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This is so retarded I can't even laugh

by Mortal - 01-21-2016 - 12:59 AM

Disclaimer: I am not attempting to make a debate on df about the policies of trump or any other candidate just the fallacies in fools in YouTube comment sections.

"You don't have to be smart to make money" - I CAN'T HAHAHAH. Ok let's just have someone with an extra chromosome attempt to make billions of dollars because you don't have to be smart to make money of large proportion.

"His wealth gives him credibility so he can talk out of his ass" - well, being a prime time business man who can make billions should give you credibility over the self-proclaimed democratic socialist sanders senpai.

"Anybody who corrects him is attacked as a liar." - "Hillary is a liar and a thief and I have much evidence to prove my claim but yours on the other hand holds no evidence." Response from black lives matter fans: "RACIST RACIST RACIST DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTER YOU'RE RACIST HILLARY IS FOR THE PEOPLE". *Pls no more cancer

"He's the one lying 24/7. He was lying last night when he talked about "building buildings" and being a construction developer." - How can anyone take these sentences seriously. Do people actually hold the same logic? The extreme exaggerations and failure to understand context just gives me cancer.

"He hasn't built one fucking thing in years. All he does is sell is name and promise to promote buildings that other people build."- All I can do is laugh.

"And he's been sued for not keeping up his end of the bargain in some places."
When a business is unable to service its debt or pay its creditors, the business or its creditors can file with a federal bankruptcy court for protection under either Chapter 7 or Chapter 11. Let's just take a look at the "small loan of 1 million dollars meme". People fail to realize that this was an interest based business loan and that he has used these types to loans to hold the other businesses afloat. It's quite hard to say that many business owners haven't had trouble with debt. Hell, many students are always held down with loans. Hell, the U.S. is having problems with it's debt thanks to the legends in office and congress recently. If the business is insolvent, its debts exceed its assets and the business is unable to pay debts as they come due, the bankruptcy restructuring may result in the company's owners being left with nothing; instead, the owners' rights and interests are ended and the company's creditors are left with ownership of the newly reorganized company. His rebounding of still maintaining an empire disproves the theory that in his case bankruptcy is the average case in which the business owner loses everything and becomes dirt poor. Is it not obvious people have a misconception of how businesses work? Trump was forced to seek voluntary bankruptcy protection to stay afloat in many cases. Not the common consumer foreclosure let's move into a homeless shelter situation. He still keeps hundreds of millions of dollars in these cases. Trump said "I've used the laws of this country to pare debt. … We'll have the company. We'll throw it into a chapter. We'll negotiate with the banks. We'll make a fantastic deal. You know, it's like on The Apprentice. It's not personal. It's just business." He indicated that other "great entrepreneurs" do the same.
I do not know how I have 1k credits lol
Wow that kinda fubny
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that was awful lmao
Hahaha lol wtf lmao
haha lol wtf lol haha... ^ idk im just copying what that guy was doing.

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