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10 simple strategies to increase your protection!

by MoonL1gth - 08-21-2023 - 10:36 PM
Identity theft is a very real risk: At any time someone can impersonate you using your personal information for malicious purposes.

What's the best way to protect yourself against it?

  1. Strengthen your passwords: Opt for strong, unique passwords for each account. Password managers can help you stay in control.
  2. Use two-factor authentication :Make it harder for impostors to access your accounts.
  3. Beware of suspicious emails :Never share sensitive information through unsolicited emails.
  4. Limit personal information on social networks: The less you share, the less there is to steal.
  5. Report any suspicious activity: If you notice anything abnormal, act quickly.
  6. Monitor your credit:  Credit monitoring services can alert you to suspicious activity.
  7. Educate yourself: The more you know about identity theft techniques, the better you can protect yourself.
  8. Be aware of public Wi-Fi networks: Avoid connecting to unsecured Wi-Fi networks. Use a virtual private network (VPN) when on the move to encrypt your data.
  9. Monitor your financial statements regularly: Review your bank and credit card statements monthly to spot suspicious transactions quickly.
  10. Shred confidential documents: Do not throw important personal documents in the trash. Shred them or use a document shredding service to prevent thieves from rummaging through your trash cans.

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