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Add a Donate block on the Sidebar

by NickxD - 01-27-2022 - 03:34 AM
Go to your admin panel: Appearance > Widgets > add a Widget.

Widget definition : HTML

Widget key: Donate_by_Dan

Title: Donate!

Forums list: Forum list: Sidebar

Positioning: You can choose where you want it to sit.

Now log into your Paypal account (Must have a PayPal Business or Premier account at paypal)

  1. Log in to your PayPal Business or Premier account at paypal.

  2. Once Your PayPal account Summary page opens.

  3. At the top of the page, select [b]Tools[/b], and then [b]All Tools[/b].

  4. Scroll to the PayPal buttons tile and click [b]Open[/b].

  5. Select the type of button you want to create. The Create PayPal payment button page opens and displays the button's configuration options.

    Under 'Template:' copy and paste this:<!--Début : Donate_by_Dan --><div class="block-container" style="text-align:center;">    <b>Please take a moment to donate to this site, by using Paypal</b><br><br>PAYPAL CODE HERE</div><!--Fin : Donate_by_Dan-->Then when you've made the donate button how you want it to be, copy and paste the html code from Paypal to where it says 'PAYPAL CODE HERE' (you can delete this)

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