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I think I'm silly

by Gold3nD1ck - 04-10-2019 - 09:14 PM

I spent a lot of time thinking about buying a vaper and recently I caught one for $ 50 with the idea of quitting a joint but every shot that I give to a joint tells me that I will not be able to leave them in my lifeXD
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Don't worry m8. I smoke joints a lot. Do what the fuck you want. If someone is trying to change you from smoking weed, don't do it. Weed is amazing. It's changed me in multiple ways. (Just don't do it with tobacco, it's shit)
(04-10-2019 - 09:57 PM)GnosticPlayers Wrote: Don't worry m8. I smoke joints a lot. Do what the fuck you want. If someone is trying to change you from smoking weed, don't do it. Weed is amazing. It's changed me in multiple ways. (Just don't do it with tobacco, it's shit)

I agree with you that he has helped me with a thousand things that nobody would believe, but I think that if I continue to smoke, I will die with 30 years
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(04-11-2019 - 03:00 AM)Gold3nD1ck Wrote:
(04-10-2019 - 09:57 PM)GnosticPlayers Wrote: Don't worry m8. I smoke joints a lot. Do what the fuck you want. If someone is trying to change you from smoking weed, don't do it. Weed is amazing. It's changed me in multiple ways. (Just don't do it with tobacco, it's shit)

I agree with you that he has helped me with a thousand things that nobody would believe, but I think that if I continue to smoke, I will die with 30 years
I mean, yeah smoking damages your lung health, but it depends on what you're smoking. If it's pure weed, well it won't kill you in 30 years. It just won't. However, if you're smoking weed with something like tobacco, then I'd advise you to switch to pure blunts, as tobacco is making you addicted and it's doing nothing for your body.
(04-11-2019 - 11:38 AM)GnosticPlayers Wrote:
(04-11-2019 - 03:00 AM)Gold3nD1ck Wrote:
(04-10-2019 - 09:57 PM)GnosticPlayers Wrote: Don't worry m8. I smoke joints a lot. Do what the fuck you want. If someone is trying to change you from smoking weed, don't do it. Weed is amazing. It's changed me in multiple ways. (Just don't do it with tobacco, it's shit)

I agree with you that he has helped me with a thousand things that nobody would believe, but I think that if I continue to smoke, I will die with 30 years
I mean, yeah smoking damages your lung health, but it depends on what you're smoking. If it's pure weed, well it won't kill you in 30 years. It just won't. However, if you're smoking weed with something like tobacco, then I'd advise you to switch to pure blunts, as tobacco is making you addicted and it's doing nothing for your body.
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is that I really do not like greens brother, ns it's like I do not throw
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