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My first time smoking marijuana! HILARIOUS!

by iwantanrgh - 07-23-2016 - 10:29 AM
So it was my 14th birthday and my buddies made me folllow them around the neighborhood and They brought me to a random house went inside and came back out lol held a blunt in their hands and said your smoking it!!!!! I didnt deny as i was back then a fucking moron and didnt think of the consequences it could come with! I smoked it and we played this game with it... i forget the name but you take the biggest hit you can and as fast as you can pass it in a circle and keep going! As this was my first time my eyes were blood shot red! About 1 and a half blunts later im fucked! i forget its my fucking birthday!!! Every birthday my family goes out to eat for dinner! so its like 8pm im scared xD so i quickly leave and my dad is driving his chevy silverato truck! i see the bull bar and im scared shitless! i get in and thank god my dad opens the window! the smell i could smell and my 28 year old brother looks at me witha shitty look! we get some he walks me to my room and smells me and says i can smell it on you! i experimented with that before i will help you just this once! he rubs deoderant all over me xD and frabreez xDDD we go out to eat and my step mother at the time (divorced now) is a nurse but she was clueless! we go out to eat me my brother my dad my ex step mom and ex step sister my brother and stepsister knew! they both had smoked it before! i eat and say i havent slept in days and thats why my eyes were red xD i didnt throw up at all during my first experiance tho... So we get home and i goto sleep xD now keep in mind i smoked it around 4pm to 8pm and its 11-12 pm my eyes are no longer red but im fucked up! i run to my bros room and im hallucinating my eyes looked yellow and i watch doctor shows so i thought i was having a bad reaction to it and my kidneys were failing! he laughs and says im just really fucked up so i goto y room and sleep.. (its true what they said! pot its the best sleep aid!!!!!!!) I wake up like 6 hours later at 6am for school i goto school i feel sick and it turns out it was a "hangover" but im still high! everything was slower than it was the night before! so the teacher would ask me a question i would ear it normally but when shed finish the question about 10 seconds later her mouth would finish the question haha t was hard to learn that but it it was fun!!! i go home still high af and i get home and my yers are redder than the were originally!!!!!!!! so the NEXT day haha i wasnt high anymore but the hangover was horrid i was so fucking sick but i never puked xD i gave the roach to a friend who smoked it at the bis stop the next day xDDD So that was my first experiance haha hope yall laughed but i doubt you did xD!!!!!!! the hilaroius thing is that likee everyone in my family has smoked pot xD even my dad a like anti drug freak xD but he smoked it once had a bad reaction and kept puking so he didnt smoke it again!
lol 1st happy b-day bro & be carful next time u smoke lol
Twitter: @t_rockx
Yahoo: @mr.v4hl
Skype: mr.v4hl
[Image: giphy.gif]
The first time I smoke 4 joints,
I was running from every car hahah
It was 4 am too
First time i smoked i felt like i was stopped in time
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lol 1st happy b-day bro & be carful next time u smoke lol
Always remember your first time bro. :D i love smoking weed for the giggles, it's funny asf. :D

When I smoke weed, it puts me in a disabled position and I literally start laughing at nothing that's not even funny.
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I've only smoked once, so.

Ye tru neva false.


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