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Pro-Life or Pro-Choice

by Ahabo - 04-11-2018 - 03:09 PM
Tell me why you believe it and make some points
I side with pro-choice. It's not other peoples' business what a woman does with her body. Also, you have to think, just because a woman somehow got pregnant doesn't mean they asked for a kid. Some people who disagree with me try to bring up something like "give him/her up for adoption, then". Well, allow me to inform you on how that's a terrible choice.

There are too many kids in orphanages and children centers who don't receive proper funding. Too many kids aren't wanted from people who'd rather help a kid from another country. I know it's cruel to cut someone's life short before they even get to live it, but sometimes it's the better thing to do.
I personally find it immoral and on another hand it's kinda of a personal decision for the  people involved.However with all the cheap contraceptives available today, this should not even be a matter.People are just too irresponsible .
Pro-choice. What Antaresian said could be true, however the same people that push for rolling back a woman's rights are the same ones who lower sex education. Many of them are also against contraception, look at what the missionaries did in Africa. In America we have some of the worst ones. So, they create a problem and keep people uneducated about sex, then attack them when they didn't want a baby.
Pro choice. A woman has the choice to do with her body as she wants.
Pro choice because we don't need more kids born to parents who can't afford to raise them.

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