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TeamsPhisher | phishing Microsoft Teams

by Firefly21 - 08-21-2023 - 04:58 PM
TeamsPhisher is a Python3 program that facilitates the delivery of phishing messages and attachments to Microsoft Teams users whose organizations allow external communications.
Provide TeamsPhisher with an attachment, a message, and a list of targeted Teams users. It will upload the attachment to the sender's Sharepoint and then iterate through the list of targets.

  1. TeamsPhisher will first enumerate the target user and make sure that the user exists and can receive external messages. It will then create a new thread with the target user. Note that this is technically a "group" chat because TeamsPhisher includes the target's email twice.
  2. With the new thread created between our sender and the target, the specified message will be sent to the user along with a link to the attachment in Sharepoint.
  3. Once verified, the software creates a new thread with the target, sending them a message that includes a Sharepoint attachment link. 
  4. This thread appears in the sender's Teams interface, allowing for possible manual interaction by the user.Once this initial message has been sent, the created thread will be visible in the sender's Teams GUI and can be interacted with manually if necessary on a case-by-case basis.
Importantly, TeamsPhisher requires users to have a Microsoft Business Account (MFA supported) with a valid Teams and Sharepoint license, which is common in many large enterprises.

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