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WPF Exploit | Monaco Error

by LordKenny - 02-23-2020 - 01:38 PM
Hello guys!

I don't know if this is the correct section to post this in, please correct me if it's not and I will remove it right away.
I am currently developing an exploit in WPF (Visual Studio 2019). I have a basic UI, and I have programmed most of the exploit, including the DLL. Now I just need Monaco, which I have almost finished but I keep getting an error that I cannot quite seem to fix. Could somebody please look through the code and see if they can figure out the issue?


Message=Unable to execute javascript at this time, scripts can only be executed within a V8Context. Use the IWebBrowser.CanExecuteJavascriptInMainFrame property to guard against this exception. See for more details on when you can execute javascript. For frames that do not contain Javascript then no V8Context will be created. Executing a script once the frame has loaded it's possible to create a V8Context. You can use browser.GetMainFrame().ExecuteJavaScriptAsync(script) or browser.GetMainFrame().EvaluateScriptAsync to bypass these checks (advanced users only).
at CefSharp.WebBrowserExtensions.ExecuteScriptAsync(IWebBrowser browser, String script)
at RoSlasher_UI_WPF.Monaco.SetTheme(MonacoTheme theme)
at RoSlasher_UI_WPF.MainWindow.<Browser_MonacoReady>d__5.MoveNext()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_1(Object state)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.WaitCallback_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback()

This exception was originally thrown at this call stack:
CefSharp.WebBrowserExtensions.ExecuteScriptAsync(CefSharp.IWebBrowser, string)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, object, bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, object, bool)


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Input;
using CefSharp;
using CefSharp.Wpf;
using CefSharp.Wpf.Internals;

namespace RoSlasher_UI_WPF
public enum MonacoTheme
Light = 0,
Dark = 1

public class MonacoSettings
public bool ReadOnly; // The ability to edit text.
public bool AutoIndent; // Enables auto indentation & adjustment
public bool Folding; // Enables code folding.
public bool FontLigatures; // Enables font ligatures.
public bool Links; // Enables whether links are clickable & detectible.
public bool MinimapEnabled; // Enables whether code minimap is enabled.
public int LineHeight; // Set's the line height.
public double FontSize; // Determine's the font size of the text.
public string FontFamily; // Set's the font family for the editor.
public string RenderWhitespace; // "none" | "boundary" | "all"

public class Monaco : ChromiumWebBrowser
public bool MonacoLoaded;
public delegate void MonacoReadyDelegate();

public event MonacoReadyDelegate MonacoReady;

public Monaco()
Opacity = 0;
Address = $"file:///{Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).Replace("\\", "/")}/Monaco.html";

LoadingStateChanged += (sender, args) =>
if (args.IsLoading) return;

MonacoLoaded = true;

protected override void OnMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;

var browser = GetBrowser();
var modifiers = e.GetModifiers();
var point = e.GetPosition(this);

if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
browser.GetHost().SendMouseClickEvent((int)point.X, (int)point.Y, MouseButtonType.Left, mouseUp: true, clickCount: 1, modifiers: modifiers);

browser.GetHost().SendMouseMoveEvent((int)point.X, (int)point.Y, true, modifiers);


/// <summary>
/// Set's Monaco editor's theme to the selected Choice.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="theme"></param>
public void SetTheme(MonacoTheme theme)
if (!MonacoLoaded) return;

switch (theme)
case MonacoTheme.Dark:
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SetTheme", "Dark");
case MonacoTheme.Light:
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SetTheme", "Light");
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(theme), theme, null);

/// <summary>
/// Set's the text of Monaco to the parameter text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text"></param>
public void SetText(string text)
if (MonacoLoaded)
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SetText", text);

private object EvaluateScript(string script)
var Task = this.EvaluateScriptAsync(script);
var Resp = Task.Result;
return Resp.Success ? Resp.Result ?? "" : Resp.Message;

/// <summary>
/// Get's the text of Monaco and returns it.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public string GetText()
if (!MonacoLoaded) return "";

return (string)EvaluateScript("GetText();");

/// <summary>
/// Appends the text of Monaco with the parameter text.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text"></param>
public void AppendText(string text)
if (MonacoLoaded)
SetText(GetText() + text);

public void GoToLine(int lineNumber)
if (MonacoLoaded)
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SetScroll", lineNumber);

/// <summary>
/// Refreshes the Monaco editor.
/// </summary>
public void EditorRefresh()
if (MonacoLoaded)

/// <summary>
/// Updates Monaco editor's settings with it's parameter structure.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="settings"></param>
public void UpdateSettings(MonacoSettings settings)
if (!MonacoLoaded) return;

this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SwitchMinimap", settings.MinimapEnabled);
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SwitchReadonly", settings.ReadOnly);
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SwitchRenderWhitespace", settings.RenderWhitespace);
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SwitchLinks", settings.Links);
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SwitchLineHeight", settings.LineHeight);
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SwitchFontSize", settings.FontSize);
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SwitchFolding", settings.Folding);
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SwitchAutoIndent", settings.AutoIndent);
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SwitchFontFamily", settings.FontFamily);
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("SwitchFontLigatures", settings.FontLigatures);

/// <summary>
/// Adds intellisense for the specified type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="label"></param>
/// <param name="type"></param>
/// <param name="description"></param>
/// <param name="insert"></param>
public void AddIntellisense(string label, string type, string description, string insert)
if (MonacoLoaded)
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("AddIntellisense", label, type, description, insert);

/// <summary>
/// Creates a syntax error symbol (squiggly red line) on the specific parameters in the editor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line"></param>
/// <param name="column"></param>
/// <param name="endLine"></param>
/// <param name="endColumn"></param>
/// <param name="message"></param>
public void ShowSyntaxError(int line, int column, int endLine, int endColumn, string message)
if (MonacoLoaded)
this.ExecuteScriptAsync("ShowErr", line, column, endLine, endColumn, message);


private async void Browser_MonacoReady()

/* Intellisense */

var KeywordsControlFlow = new List<string>
"and", "do", "elseif",
"for", "function", "if",
"in", "local", "not", "or",
"then", "until", "while"

var KeywordsValue = new List<string>
"_G", "shared", "true", "false", "nil", "end",
"break", "else", "repeat", "then", "return"

var IntellisenseNoDocs = new List<string>
"error", "getfenv", "getmetatable",
"newproxy", "next", "pairs",
"pcall", "print", "rawequal", "rawget", "rawset", "select", "setfenv",
"tonumber", "tostring", "type", "unpack", "xpcall", "_G",
"shared", "delay", "require", "spawn", "tick", "typeof", "wait", "warn",
"game", "Enum", "script", "workspace"

foreach (var Key in KeywordsControlFlow)
Browser.AddIntellisense(Key, "Keyword", "", Key + " ");

foreach (var Key in KeywordsValue)
Browser.AddIntellisense(Key, "Keyword", "", Key);

foreach (var Key in IntellisenseNoDocs)
Browser.AddIntellisense(Key, "Method", "", Key);

Browser.AddIntellisense("hookfunction(<function> old, <function> hook)", "Method",
"Hooks function 'old', replacing it with the function 'hook'. The old function is returned, you must use it to call the function further.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("getgenv(<void>)", "Method",
"Returns the environment that will be applied to each script ran by RoSlasher.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("keyrelease(<int> key)", "Method",
"Releases 'key' on the keyboard. You can access the int key values on MSDN.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("setclipboard(<string> value)", "Method",
"Sets 'value' to the clipboard.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("mouse2press(<void>)", "Method",
"Clicks down on the right mouse button.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("getsenv(<LocalScript, ModuleScript> Script)", "Method",
"Returns the environment of Script. Returns nil if the script is not running.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("checkcaller(<void>)", "Method",
"Returns true if the current thread was made by RoSlasher. Useful for metatable hooks.",

Browser.AddIntellisense("bit", "Class", "Bit Library", "bit");
Browser.AddIntellisense("bit.bdiv(<uint> dividend, <uint> divisor)", "Method",
"Divides 'dividend' by 'divisor', remainder is not returned.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("bit.badd(<uint> a, <uint> b)", "Method",
"Adds 'a' with 'b', allows overflows (unlike normal Lua).",
Browser.AddIntellisense("bit.bsub(<uint> a, <uint> b)", "Method",
"Subtracts 'a' with 'b', allows overflows (unlike normal Lua).",
Browser.AddIntellisense("bit.rshift(<uint> val, <uint> by)", "Method",
"Does a right shift on 'val' using 'by'.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("<uint> val, <uint> by)", "Method",
"Does a logical AND (&) on 'val' using 'by'.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("bit.bor(<uint> val, <uint> by)", "Method",
"Does a logical OR (|) on 'val' using 'by'.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("bit.bxor(<uint> val, <uint> by)", "Method",
"Does a logical XOR (^) on 'val' using 'by'.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("bit.bnot(<uint> val)", "Method",
"Does a logical NOT on 'val'.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("bit.bmul(<uint> val, <uint> by)", "Method",
"Multiplies 'val' using 'by', allows overflows (unlike normal Lua)",
Browser.AddIntellisense("bit.bswap(<uint> val)", "Method",
"Does a bitwise swap on 'val'.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("bit.tobit(<uint> val)", "Method",
"Converts 'val' into proper form for bitwise operations.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("bit.ror(<uint> val, <uint> by)", "Method",
"Rotates right 'val' using 'by'.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("bit.lshift(<uint> val, <uint> by)", "Method",
"Does a left shift on 'val' using 'by'.",
Browser.AddIntellisense("bit.tohex(<uint> val)", "Method",
"Converts 'val' to a hex string.",

Browser.AddIntellisense("debug", "Class", "Debug Library", "debug");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.getconstant(<function, int> fi, <int> idx)", "Method", "Returns the constant at index 'idx' in function 'fi' or level 'fi'.", "debug.getconstant");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.profilebegin(<string> label>", "Method", "Opens a microprofiler label.", "debug.profilebegin");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.profileend(<void>)", "Method", "Closes the top microprofiler label.", "debug.profileend");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.traceback(<void>)", "Method", "Returns a traceback of the current stack as a string.", "debug.traceback");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.getfenv(<T> o)", "Method", "Returns the environment of object 'o'.", "debug.getfenv");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.getupvalue(<function, int> fi, <string> upval)", "Method", "Returns the upvalue with name 'upval' in function or level 'fi'.", "debug.getupvalue");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.getlocals(<int> lvl)", "Method", "Returns a table containing the upvalues at level 'lvl'.", "debug.getlocals");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.setmetatable(<T> o, <table> mt)", "Method", "Set the metatable of 'o' to 'mt'.", "debug.setmetatable");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.getconstants(<function, int> fi)", "Method", "Retrieve the constants in function 'fi' or at level 'fi'.", "debug.getconstants");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.getupvalues(<function, int> fi)", "Method", "Retrieve the upvalues in function 'fi' or at level 'fi'.", "debug.getupvalues");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.setlocal(<int> lvl, <string> localname, <T> value)", "Method", "Set local 'localname' to value 'value' at level 'lvl'.", "debug.setlocal");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.setupvalue(<function, int> fi, <string> upvname, <T> value)", "Method", "Set upvalue 'upvname' to value 'value' at level or function 'fi'.", "debug.setupvalue");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.setconstant(<function, int> fi, <string> consname, <int, bool, nil, string> value)", "Method", "Set constant 'consname' to tuple 'value' at level or function 'fi'.", "debug.setupvalue");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.getregistry(<void>)", "Method", "Returns the registry", "debug.getregistry");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.getinfo(<function, int> fi, <string> w)", "Method", "Returns a table of info pertaining to the Lua function 'fi'.", "debug.getinfo");
Browser.AddIntellisense("debug.getlocal(<int> lvl, <string> localname)", "Method", "Returns the local with name 'localname' in level 'lvl'.", "debug.getlocal");

Browser.AddIntellisense("loadfile(<string> path)", "Method", "Loads in the contents of a file as a chunk and returns it if compilation is successful. Otherwise, if an error has occured during compilation, nil followed by the error message will be returned.", "loadfile");
Browser.AddIntellisense("loadstring(<string> chunk, [<string> chunkname])", "Method", "Loads 'chunk' as a Lua function and returns it if compilation is succesful. Otherwise, if an error has occured during compilation, nil followed by the error message will be returned.", "loadstring");
Browser.AddIntellisense("writefile(<string> filepath, <string> contents)", "Method", "Writes 'contents' to the supplied filepath.", "writefile");
Browser.AddIntellisense("mousescroll(<signed int> px)", "Method", "Scrolls the mouse wheel virtually by 'px' pixels.", "mousescroll");
Browser.AddIntellisense("mouse2click(<void>)", "Method", "Virtually presses the right mouse button.", "mouse2click");
Browser.AddIntellisense("islclosure(<function> f)", "Method", "Returns true if 'f' is an LClosure", "islclosure");
Browser.AddIntellisense("mouse1press(<void>)", "Method", "Simulates a left mouse button press without releasing it.", "mouse1press");
Browser.AddIntellisense("mouse1release(<void>)", "Method", "Simulates a left mouse button release.", "mouse1release");
Browser.AddIntellisense("keypress(<int> keycode)", "Method", "Simulates a key press for the specified keycode. For more information:", "keypress");
Browser.AddIntellisense("mouse2release(<void>)", "Method", "Simulates a right mouse button release.", "mouse2release");
Browser.AddIntellisense("newcclosure(<function> f)", "Method", "Pushes a new c closure that invokes function 'f' upon call. Used for metatable hooks.", "newcclosure");
Browser.AddIntellisense("getinstances(<void>)", "Method", "Returns a list of all instances within the game.", "getinstances");
Browser.AddIntellisense("getnilinstances(<void>)", "Method", "Returns a list of all instances parented to nil within the game.", "getnilinstances");
Browser.AddIntellisense("readfile(<string> path)", "Method", "Reads the contents of the file located at 'path' and returns it. If the file does not exist, it errors.", "readfile");
Browser.AddIntellisense("getscripts(<void>)", "Method", "Returns a list of all scripts within the game.", "getscripts");
Browser.AddIntellisense("getrunningscripts(<void>)", "Method", "Returns a list of all scripts currently running.", "getrunningscripts");
Browser.AddIntellisense("appendfile(<string> path, <string> content)", "Method", "Appends 'content' to the file contents at 'path'. If the file does not exist, it errors", "appendfile");
Browser.AddIntellisense("listfiles(<string> folder)", "Method", "Returns a table of files in 'folder'.", "listfiles");
Browser.AddIntellisense("isfile(<string> path)", "Method", "Returns if 'path' is a file or not.", "isfile");
Browser.AddIntellisense("isfolder(<string> path)", "Method", "Returns if 'path' is a folder or not.", "isfolder");
Browser.AddIntellisense("delfolder(<string> path)", "Method", "Deletes 'folder' in the workspace directory.", "delfolder");
Browser.AddIntellisense("delfile(<string> path)", "Method", "Deletes 'file' from the workspace directory.", "delfile");
Browser.AddIntellisense("getreg(<void>)", "Method", "Returns the Lua registry.", "getreg");
Browser.AddIntellisense("getgc(<void>)", "Method", "Returns a copy of the Lua GC list.", "getgc");
Browser.AddIntellisense("mouse1click(<void>)", "Method", "Simulates a full left mouse button press.", "mouse1click");
Browser.AddIntellisense("getrawmetatable(<T> value)", "Method", "Retrieve the metatable of value irregardless of value's metatable's __metatable field. Returns nil if it doesn't exist.", "getrawmetatable");
Browser.AddIntellisense("setreadonly(<table> table, <bool> ro)", "Method", "Sets table's read-only value to ro", "setreadonly");
Browser.AddIntellisense("isreadonly(<table> table)", "Method", "Returns table's read-only condition.", "isreadonly");
Browser.AddIntellisense("getrenv(<void>)", "Method", "Returns the global Roblox environment for the LocalScript state.", "getrenv");
Browser.AddIntellisense("decompile(<LocalScript, ModuleScript, function> Script, bool Bytecode = false)", "Method", "Decompiles Script and returns the decompiled script. If the decompilation fails, then the return value will be an error message.", "decompile");
Browser.AddIntellisense("dumpstring(<string> Script)", "Method", "Returns the Roblox formatted bytecode for source string 'Script'.", "dumpstring");
Browser.AddIntellisense("getloadedmodules(<void>)", "Method", "Returns all ModuleScripts loaded in the game.", "getloadedmodules");
Browser.AddIntellisense("isrbxactive(<void>)", "Method", "Returns if the Roblox window is in focus.", "getloadedmodules");
Browser.AddIntellisense("getcallingscript(<void>)", "Method", "Gets the script that is calling this function.", "getcallingscript");
Browser.AddIntellisense("setnonreplicatedproperty(<Instance> obj, <string> prop, <T> value)", "Method", "Sets the prop property of obj, not replicating to the server. Useful for anticheat bypasses.", "setnonreplicatedproperty");
Browser.AddIntellisense("getconnections(<Signal> obj)", "Method", "Gets a list of connections to the specified signal. You can then use :Disable and :Enable on the connections to disable/enable them.", "getconnections");
Browser.AddIntellisense("getspecialinfo(<Instance> obj)", "Method", "Gets a list of special properties for MeshParts, UnionOperations, and Terrain.", "getspecialinfo");
Browser.AddIntellisense("messagebox(<string> message, <string> title, <int> options)", "Method", "Makes a MessageBox with 'message', 'title', and 'options' as options. See for more information.", "messagebox");
Browser.AddIntellisense("messageboxasync(<string> message, <string> title, <int> options)", "Method", "Makes a MessageBox with 'message', 'title', and 'options' as options. See for more information.", "messageboxasync");
Browser.AddIntellisense("rconsolename(<string> title)", "Method", "Sets the currently allocated console title to 'title'.", "rconsolename");
Browser.AddIntellisense("rconsoleinput(<void>)", "Method", "Yields until the user inputs information into ther console. Returns the input the put in.", "rconsoleinput");
Browser.AddIntellisense("rconsoleinputasync(<void>)", "Method", "Yields until the user inputs information into ther console. Returns the input the put in.", "rconsoleinputasync");
Browser.AddIntellisense("rconsoleprint(<string> message)", "Method", "Prints 'message' into the console.", "rconsoleprint");
Browser.AddIntellisense("rconsoleinfo(<string> message)", "Method", "Prints 'message' into the console, with a info text before it.", "rconsoleinfo");
Browser.AddIntellisense("rconsolewarn(<string> message)", "Method", "Prints 'message' into the console, with a warning text before it.", "rconsolewarn");
Browser.AddIntellisense("rconsoleerr(<string> message)", "Method", "Prints 'message' into the console, with a error text before it.", "rconsoleerr");
Browser.AddIntellisense("fireclickdetector(<ClickDetector> detector, <number, nil> distance)", "Method", "Fires click detector 'detector' with 'distance'. If a distance is not provided, it will be 0.", "fireclickdetector");
Browser.AddIntellisense("firetouchinterest(<Part> part, <TouchTransmitter> transmitter, <number> toggle)", "Method", "Fires touch 'transmitter' with 'part'. Use 0 to toggle it being touched, 1 for it not being toggled.", "firetouchinterest");
Browser.AddIntellisense("saveinstance(<table> t)", "Method", "Saves the Roblox game into your workspace folder.", "saveinstance");

await Task.Delay(250);
Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { Browser.Opacity = 1; });

If you figure out why this may be happening, please let me know!

Thank you so much for the taking the time to read this thread! (:

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