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Aliens. Do you believe?

by Tamaki - 01-02-2016 - 11:07 PM
(01-02-2016 - 11:07 PM)Swift Wrote: Do you guys believe in aliens?

There are many people that think alien are fictional, and it's all fake, but there are many factors that show extraterrestrial life exits.

I'll run some through with you, and you can give me your opinions, as this is a subject i'm also interested about.

1. To start it off, the universe is a pretty big place. We live in The Milky Way Galaxy which has many planets, now this isn't the only galaxy, there is billions of other galaxies, so think of the amount of other planets there is? To make assumptions about a universe based on only one planet (Earth) can't be true, there is billions of planets out there in different galaxies.

2. There’s basically a giant space ship at the bottom of the ocean, in 2011 a Swedish diving company was exploring the Baltic Sea looking for treasure when they found a 60 meter circular object at the end of a stretch that looks like a runway. What other ships do you see circular?

3. This Phone Call.

In 1997 radio program Coast to Coast AM, then hosted by Art Bell, aired a call from a frantic man who claimed to be an ex-Area 51 employee. Not only was the call suddenly cut off after the man claimed “they” would triangulate his position soon but the entire show was knocked off the air without explanation. After a few minutes, Coast to Coast went back on using back up equipment, but the caller never contacted them again.

4. Witness accounts of the Roswell UFO Incident. In 2012, retired CIA agent Chase Brandon performed an interview with The Huffington Post talking about the Roswell UFO incident, he told that the debris recovered was not a weather balloon, and claimed it did not come from this planet. Perhaps it’s a massive conspiracy of a bunch of bored south-westerners, but how do you get so many people to lie about something like this?

There is many other facts out there explaining alien life. Let me know your opinions if you believe aliens or not, and give me explanations based on your answers, this is a very interesting subject to discuss.

Of course aliens are a thing, there's bound to be life in or beyond our solar system. People commonly only think of aliens as the hollywood kind but an alien can be a little microscopic piece of life that can do all the things we can on a much smaller scale.
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of corse!! i'd love to believe we rnt alone but it kinda scary to think
Aliens are real.
it's sure, we are not alone in the universe, too many possibility, i also like the ancient Aliens Theory
aliens are real and they've been here before people stop the blindness
i believe they statiscaly exist, in universe, but as i only believed on what im seeing, i don't believe they came on earth yet
Yes, it would be selfish to deny this
Im sure life outside of earths exists, thats the only thing i believe in.
Given the size of the universe, it's really hard to see how there couldn't be some form of life out there besides our own. Going off of probability it's pretty much guaranteed...
Either side can be argued. No matter what we do believe or what we don't believe, it's up to us to individually figure it out. The universe has many unanswered questions. Therefore, it's up to us to find the answer to these questions. If you allow yourself to believe that everything is normal and there are no secrets, then you are lost.

There is plenty of things out there that is waiting to be discovered. If you want it, then you will find it. Doing nothing is giving up before you even start to try. You must challenge yourself to question things because it's your right as a human being. I wish you the best of luck with whatever path(s) you choose.

Never give up because what you seek may be right in front of you. All you must do is reach out and grasp it.

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